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Yannick Bijl

A highly driven Bioinformatician, who likes to work in a world-improving environment. Research and result focused, with care for detail. Passionate about using data science and bioinformatics to improve healthcare and research.



Dutch - English

Informatics Tools & Technologies

Python - Anaconda - Snakemake
R - Tidyverse - ggplot2
BASH - Commandline - SQL
Git - Jira - MS Office

Biology Platforms

Illumina Targeted & Whole Transcriptome Next Generation Sequencing - Oxford NanoPore Sequencing - Agilent Microarrays - Fluidigm Mass Cytometry


Agendia Agendia

Bioinformatician Jan, 2022 - Dec, 2022

Developing new platforms for the diagnostic and research tests of Agendia. Communicating progress and issues, offering and discussing solutions. Writing technical documentation.

Junior Bioinformatician Jun, 2020 - Dec, 2021

Primarily aiding in research projects at Agendia. Developing new platforms for the diagnostic and research tests of Agendia.

Agendia Philips

Intern Researcher Sep, 2019 - Mar, 2020

An internship for graduation of my master study in Computer Science; Bio-Informatics. The goal of the internship was to develop an algorithm to estimate cell type abundances from mixed RNA expression data. The initial software has been developed in Python, and a version in R has also been implemented.

Agendia Leiden University Medical Centre

Intern Researcher Sep, 2016 - Jun, 2017

An internship for graduation of my bachelor study in Bio-Informatics. The goal of the internship was to develop an algorithm to identify distinct subsets in mass cytometry data in a data-driven fashion. The prototype was developed in R, the final version has been written in C++.



Personal blog discussing bioinformatics, software development, programming, side-projects, and more. Documenting my own growth and sharing the knowledge I have gained. At the same time it is a great creative outlet.


Leiden University

MSc Master of Computer Science (specialization Bio-Informatics) Sep, 2017 – Apr, 2020

The study is focused on broadening the possible tools at the disposal of a bioinformatician. Learning new algorithms for datamining, pattern recognition, and other purposes. Also getting a grasp of principles behind math, statistics, and data storage are essential to learn.

Hogeschool Leiden

BASc Bachelor of Applied Science (Bio-Informatics) Sep 2013 – Aug 2017

Programming, biology, bio-chemistry, and statistics are central in the study. The study also gave focus on researching and analytic abilities and the use of different bioinformatic tools. Using projects to put the newly gained knowledge into practice.

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