Yannick Bijl

Python f-Strings are Magic

Formatting strings with variables is a common task in programs. Through the years, different methods have become available to achieve this in Python. The easiest, but also least efficient, method i...

The Importance of Graphic Design Skills

Though the main tasks of a bioinformatician are programming software for data-analysis, actually analyzing the data, and further research to connect the computational data and results with the biol...

Screen: A Powerful Tool

Screen is an amazing tool for linux that has saved me more than once, allowing me to run long-running processes in the background and disconnect from them. In turn allowing me to continue working w...

The Importance of Writing Skills

The main tasks of a bioinformatician are programming software for data-analysis, actually analyzing the data, and further research to connect the computational data and results with the biology. Ho...

Contingency Tables in R

Contingency tables are a great tool in comparison analyses. In the simplest form a contingency table places one set of results against another set of results. In the example below two methods are c...

Fasta and Fastq File Formats

Nucleotide sequences (DNA or RNA) are one of the most common data types to work with in bioinformatics. Depending on the use-case they are stored in a fasta or fastq formatted file. Fasta is a sim...

Phred Scores

Phred scores are a common metric in bioinformatics to assign quality, in most cases to individual bases (A, T, C, G). Though they are used as quality scores, Phred scores actually represent a proba...

Multiple Conditions Testing in Python

Simple conditions are easily taken care of with if-else statements. In cases that multiple conditions need to be satisfied the statements are extended using an AND operator. This can lead to comple...

The Efficiency in Inefficiency

A great goal in business, programming, and perhaps even life is efficiency. An enormous amount of effort is put into processes and automation to perform as efficiently as possible. This can be seen...

In-place Variable Swapping in Python

In many algorithms, such as bubble sort, there is a need to swap values. In most cases this happens in the same array or list object. Others require the swapping of variables. A simple solution is ...